Arm Wrestling

"Bunong Braso " or arm wrestling

Arm Wrestling

"Bunong Braso" or arm wrestling is a sport in which two people test their arm strength.

Arm muscles originate from different locations in the scapula to insert into the humerus and perform their functions through the joint humerus joint. Arm muscles consist of two compartments: anterior (curved) compartments: biceps, forearm and forearm muscles.


The history of arm wrestling can be traced back to ancient Egypt, where numerous murals in Egyptian caves described the origin of arm wrestling around 2000 BC. Arm wrestling, a modern sport, is based on Native American competitions.

Arm wrestling has been a legitimate sport since the 50s, and it became famous by the Wide World of Sports Petaluma World Wrist Wrestling Championships between the 70s and 80s. The film 'Over the Top' starring Sylvester Stallone presented the sport in 1987.

The best pullers in the World Arm Wrestling League don't succeed just because they have big biceps. Arm wrestling requires training and strengthening of tendons, ligaments, and connective tissue that are strong on the table and essential for controlling opponents. 토토사이트넷

Top roll is the most effective arm wrestling technique.

Top Rolling turns arm wrestling from biceps and forearm strength to hand, finger and wrist strength. The key to top-rolling is to put your hand on the opponent's palm.

How it works

It is important to keep your arm close to your body and keep your opponent's arm away from your body. You should also make sure that your arm is bent at the elbow and your elbow is facing the opponent. Properly positioning the arms will give you an advantage in arm wrestling.

At the Word Arm Wrestling Championships, each match is only one round, but depending on other federations, rules and regulations, other arm wrestling matches can be played on a "best of three", "best of five", or alternative basis.


The best arm wrestler Levan Saginashvili (born September 15, 1988) is a Georgian professional arm wrestler.

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